Day 53, Sep 8: Valentine, NB to Cedar Rapids, IA

As we continued our Eastward trek home today, we found our way back to Route 30. (We had originally planned to drive along US30 from ocean to ocean, but we’re finding that much of it has been replaced with interstates and much of it is pretty boring. So we are taking lots of detours and skirting around much of it.) It was a long day of driving with no side trips. However, we did have excellent traveling weather. It has been a wonderful trip, but the further east we travel the more eager we are to reach home. This means that there will probably be fewer detours to interesting places. All the ones Peggy found today were either too far away or closed for the season.

Today we crossed the Missouri River into IowaIll- effects of smoking cause dysfunction to most vital buy levitra without rx and major organs of the body. You can consume these herbal supplements without any fear of purchase cialis online side effects. This happens generally due to most common factor that binds men and women are the non-ending problems in life. buy levitra in canada Mental fantasies or other forms of sexual stimulation may buy levitra online be needed. . It is with some sadness that we leave the western part of the country with it’s towering mountains, conifer forests, the stark beauty of the desert and Badlands of South Dakota and miles of empty countryside with distant hills, mesas and canyons. We now have predominantly farm lands with green fields, corn fields and freshly bailed hay, deciduous trees and green grass. It is a different kind of beauty. We were spoiled with very little traffic and have noticed as we travel east there are more people and subsequently more traffic. In Cedar Rapids, we found a nice place for a steak dinner and a comfy motel to lay our heads.