Europe: Day 6 (April 10)

DSCN0566Goodbye Cadiz. Hello Gibraltar (which is actually an English possession and not part of Spain). It took about 30 minutes waiting in the Customs line to wave our passports at the border guards. When we left Gibraltar there was no line and the customs officers looked at us like we were crazy when we slowed to show our passports. It was a rainy and foggy, but none the less an impressive view of the Rock of Gibraltar. We decided to drive around the rock to Europa Point but because of the clouds/fog we couldn’t see Morocco. (In fact, we couldn’t see all of the rock most of the time.) The streets are very narrow and close together, and we got into dead ends more than once. The residential streets are very steep and when you find yourself at the end of them, it’s really tricky getting back out. We had a few challenging moments on some of them when we went the wrong way. However, it was quite nice finding people who speak English when we asked for directionsDry Skin and Mucous Membrane Extreme aridness of the skin, mouth, and viagra vs generic the mucous covering, in addition to delicate skin and skin shedding are a number of the common side effects encountered were; Frequent headaches Flushing of the face for sometime after the use. That is why, this cialis 40 mg act on the soft muscles in the penile arteries to relax, which subsides the stress on arteries. A penis prescription viagra online health creme containing vitamins and minerals, as well as tissue-building amino acids and natural moisturizers, can go a long way in treating this problem. These viagra sans prescription treatment plans are generally found to be helpful if levothyroxine is only in stage one. . Since it was Sunday, almost everything was closed so there wasn’t much to do; and the weather being crappy, we decided to head up the Mediterranean coast. Later on, it cleared up and the sun shone on some beautiful sea views. We decided to spend the night in a pleasant little beach town called Fuengirola. We have a lovely room with a seaside view. It is not beach season but there are a fair number of people out on the beach. We had a pleasant walk around town for a while, a walk along the beach, had dinner and decided to retire for the day. Tomorrow, we’ll head to Granada.

Wayne & Peggy